Wiki internal links

One of the most important features of the wiki is the internal linking to other wiki pages, therefore it is quite simple.

WikiNames ("CamelCase")

If you WriteWordsTogether like FistnameLastname or CamelCase or MoinMoin, so that there are at least two changes between capital letters and lower case letters, MoinMoin will automatically link this word to the page of the same name.

This is quite simple, because wiki markup isn't necessary. But the unusual syntax isn't everyone's cup of tea, so there is one more alternative, the so-called "free link".


CamelCase !CamelCaseButNotLinked


CamelCase CamelCaseButNotLinked

If you want to link pages, which aren't in CamelCase or if you just don't like CamelCase, you can also link this way:


A [[free link]] and [[other page|another page]].


A free link and another page.